Year: 2020

KORG will provide iKaossilator for iOS

Schools, workplaces, and meetings worldwide have been requested to close by their respective governments and so many people are studying and working from home.To help you with a musical way to occupy your mind we have decided to make the Kaossilator app for iOS and Android free of charge for…
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Chauvetdj GigBAR Move

Ultimate gig lighting convenience, versatility and power is packed into GigBAR Move, a 5-in-1 lighting system that includes moving heads, derbies, washes, a laser and strobe effect pre-mounted on a single bar. That means a complete light show is available from this single system that includes a tripod, wireless footswitch…
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Allen & heath empowers a larger vision

Like many houses of worship, the Calvary Chapel didn’t start out as a large congregation, it worked its way into becoming one. Having revitalised a site that was once a shopping center,today the church has seating for 1400 in its main sanctuary, a 600-capacity fellowship hall, and a vibrant youth…
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DJ Angelo launches Reloop DJ Brand

Berlin-based celebrated disc jockey DJ Angelo launched Reloop DJ Brand in the Kenyan market on Thursday.The Reloop brand ambassador said during the launch, “This is my first time in Africa , and I look forward to a fruitful visit, where I will share as much as I know about the German…
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